Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml


Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml

MYR 37.00
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100% Pure, Concentrated, Cold-pressed, Premium Grade Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Glass Bottle: 10ml

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus

Method of extraction: cold-pressed

Source: our essential oils are premium quality and sourced overseas.

The eucalyptus tree (also known as Tasmanian Blue Gum) is an evergreen tree native to Australia that’s often thought of as the main food source of koala bears. While it provides amazing nutritional support for wildlife, the essential oils extracted from eucalyptus leaves also have powerful medicinal properties.

According to English folklore, an early English settler had his thumb nearly severed by an ax. His father, who was well-versed in Aboriginal folk medicine, advised that he apply a bandage of tightly bound eucalyptus leaves around the cut after it was sutured.

Evidently, the Aborigines used eucalyptus, or “kino” as they referred to it, to heal most wounds they encountered. Later, when a surgeon saw the wound, he remarked how amazed he was because the thumb healed so quickly and without any trace of infection.

Reports like this spread throughout Australia, and pharmacists like Joseph Bosisto began tinkering with the idea of commercially producing eucalyptus oil in 1852. Soon thereafter, the leaves of Eucalyptus radiata were first distilled near Melbourne.

Health Benefits:


  • Prevents cold & flu

  • Hair nourishment

  • Treat sinus & allergies

  • Natural home care

  • Odour removal

  • Air cleanser & kills mold

How to use: 

1. Cold & Flu- Drop few drops of eucalyptus essential oil into your Aromatherapy Diffuser/Humidifier before going to sleep so you can take advantage of the healing benefits all night long. 

2. For more acute cold & flu situations, you can make a steam bath by pouring a cup of boiling water into a bowl, and then mix 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for five–10 minutes.

3. Hair Nourishment- A few drops eucalyptus oil with some coconut or olive oil gives your hair a nice moisturizing pick-me-up. This is especially great to ward off dandruff and an itchy scalp. Also, eucalyptus is used as a natural remedy for lice in replacement of chemical treatments.

4. Natural Home Care- You can’t go wrong putting several drops into pretty much everything: soap, laundry detergent, mop water, toilet cleaner, window cleaner etc.

Note: Store away from heat or direct sunlight. Always dilute with carrier oil as concentrated essential oil will burn your skin if applied directly. Always perform a patch test for skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. This product is recommended for topical use only and not to be ingested or consumed into your body.